
Home Lighting Automation Explained In Simple Terms

There was a time up to a few decades back when home lighting systems controls consisted of basic light switches located on a wall. That was it. If someone needed a light turned on, they flipped a switch and when they wanted it off, they repeated the process in reverse. However; it was commercial businesses owners who first saw the need for what has now become home lighting automation systems.The Early Beginnings Of Home Lighting AutomationIt's basic finances that were the impetus, with an average 1,000 watt halide bulb costing some $50 per month to Nail Brush run, it didn't take long for business owners who can run up to fifty of them in a larger shopping complex to “see the light” so to speak. Hence; the very first home lighting automation systems that were developed in businesses simply functioned to control lights in a cost effective manner.The Modern Full Featured Home Iphone 4s Expand Keyboard Comes Of AgeAll the while that this was going on, homeowners in developed countries were adding increasingly more electrical systems and lighting features to their homes. Mood lights, pool lights, string lights, Christmas lights and the list just goes on and on. Then there were the alarm systems, home audio systems, intercom systems and on and on that list goes as well.Todays Centrally Located Programmable Control StationIt finally approached the point of “system overload” where it was simply not feasible for a homeowner to manually operate all these electrical components. So along comes home lighting automation systems that consists of a centrally located programmable compact control station that not only can control the lights but can also handle virtually any other home system as well.

